Director's Desk

Dr.Jagdish E. Jahagirdar
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Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Shikshan Sansthas College of Agriculture Kanchanwadi, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar established in 2006. Director shoulders the responsibility of implementation of academic programmes, curricula and co-ordinator and guide education in close cooperation with faculties, Heads and CSMS Sanstha.
The college offers UG B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture programme undergraduate curriculum is revised as per the VI Dean’s recommendation, implemented from the year 2024-25. College provided with additional facilities and amenities viz; girls & boys hostel, library, tissue culture laboratory, playgrounds, gymnasium and hi-tech field facilities.
The college has been awarded ‘A’ grade since 2014-15 for continuous infrastructure and academic progress. Utmost efforts have been made in providing quality education with student development and amenities with state of art facilities, as a result more than 1718 skilled human resources engaged in various public, private and agriculture sector.
The students are encouraged for participation in various educational, social and cultural activities. As a result students of the college have excelled in various competitive examinations.
In todays changing climatic situations, natural resources degradation, food and nutrition security and its relation to sustainable agriculture and rural development have increasingly become a matter of concern. Thus, agriculture education plays important role for facing such a challenges through use of ICT, weather forecasting, training and transfer of new technology. Hope that the young skilled graduates will overcome all these constraints by innovative research and lab to land extension of innovations leading to second Green Resolution.
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